We are now hiring the following positions
- 廚師(全職/兼職)
Cook / Chef (Full Time / Part Time) - 侍應 / 部長 / 主任 / 經理(全職/兼職)
Waiter / Captain / Shop Supervisor / Shop Manager (Full Time / Part Time) - 洗碗清潔員(全職/兼職)
Cleaner (Full Time / Part Time)
薪酬 及 福利 Salary and Benefits :
- 月薪可達$15, 000 – $22, 000 (視乎經驗, 不同品牌及職位)
Salary up to $15,000 – $22,000 per month (depending on experience, different brands and positions) - 兼職 Part-time 時薪$50 – $70 per hour
歡迎學生, 家庭主婦, 再就業人士及中年人士申請
Students, Housewife and Middle-aged applicant are welcome.
地區 Region :
Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories
工作時間 Working hours :
- 全職 Full-time :
9小時工作+1小時食飯 (輪更制)
9 hours of work + 1 hour of meals - 兼職 Part-time :
flexible working hours
全職員工福利 Full-time employee benefits :
- 每月6天假期 6 days holiday per month
- 員工膳食 Free Meal
- 小費 Tips
- 有薪年假10天起 Paid annual leave starting from 10 days
- 生日假 Birthday leave
- 婚假 Marriage leave
- 侍產假 Maternity leave
- 恩恤假 Funeral leave
- 在職培訓 On-the-job training
- 新人入職獎金 New Join Bonus
- 節日賀禮 Holiday Gifts
- 每月目標獎賞 Monthly Target Incentive
- 醫療福利 Medical Benefits
- 良好晉升機會 Promotion Opportunities
- 員工活動及折扣優惠 Staff Activities and Discounts
- 港島區交通津貼 Hong Kong Island Transportation Allowance