百階(香港)有限公司(稱「Pokka Cafe」、「我們」、「我們的」或「我們」)非常重視你的私隱並願意向你保證:你的個人資料將會加以保密。下述為我們處理所收集資料的政策、其適用於透過我們的網站 http://www.pokkacafe.com.hk 及/或手機應用程式及/或服務提供或收集的任何資料。我們的應用程式包括Pokka Café手機及平板電腦應用程式或任何於社交媒體或其他網站的應用程式 (均稱為「應用程式」) 及分店 (均稱為「服務」) 。我們會遵守不時修訂的個人資料(私隱) 條例所定下的要求以達致個人資料保護的標準。

1. 我們收集的個人資料

當你使用我們的網站,應用程式及服務時,我們會向你收集以下的資料,而該資料可能包括個人資料 (私隱) 條例所定義的個人資料 (稱「資料」):

1.1 你的個人資料例如你的姓名、地址、手提電話號碼、出生日期及電郵地址;

1.2 你的信用卡或借記卡資料以及賬單資料,包括持卡人姓名,卡號碼,賬單地址及有效日期;

1.3 從我們Facebook網頁收集屬於你的照片;及

1.4 可選擇性地提供有關你的職業、年齡、性別、家庭成員人數、家庭成員的年齡組、婚姻狀況及每月家庭收入的資料。

2. 收集和使用資料之目的

2.1 你所提供的資料將被用作為其收集的目的及直接相關的目的如下:

2.1.1 為保安理由,我們會使用你的電郵位址,以確認你登入我們的網上訂購服務時,就是你本人;


2.1.2 提供網上訂購服務;

2.1.3 考慮或執行你不論以網上、電話或其他途徑作出的任何性質的要求或申請;

2.1.4 登記我們的活動包括有禮品的銷售活動;

2.1.5 處理賬項及費用繳付,維持信貸紀錄,釐定未付款項金額,以及,如有需要,收取未付款項;

2.1.6 提供送貨單據;

2.1.7 進行市場分析;

2.1.8 處理及跟進投訴、查詢或意見反饋;

2.1.9 管理我們舉辦的比賽及抽獎活動,包括公佈任何該等比賽的得獎者及獎品領取;

2.1.10 更新及改善我們的記錄;

2.1.11 根據任何對我們有約束力的法例的要求,向任何香港政府、法律及監管機構作出披露;及

2.1.12 為你提供新聞、通告及有關我們的產品、服務及促銷活動的其他資訊 (詳程請閱讀第3段- 「使用資料作直接促銷」)。

3. 使用資料作直接促銷

3.1 我們擬使用你的資料作直接促銷,我們若未獲得你的同意(包括表示不反對),則不會使用你的資料作直接促銷之用。

3.2 我們擬使用你在我們紀錄中的個人資料,包括你的姓名、手提電話號碼、電郵、及/或通訊地址就下列事項聯絡你:

3.2.1 有關我們的產品、服務及宣傳活動;及

3.2.2 由我們的生意夥伴所提供有關銀行、旅遊、娛樂及電信的產品、服務及宣傳活動(稱「生意夥伴」)。

3.3 我們會向怡和飲食集團及第三方客戶獎賞、會員、合作品牌或優惠計劃提供者提供你的資料,而有關資料有可能會被上述各方就他們的產品及服務作直接促銷用途。然而,我們不會在未得到你同意之下,將你的資料向任何第三方披露作直接促銷用途。

3.4 你可以第9段中所提到的任何免費途徑聯絡我們,並選擇不接收第3.2段所述的市場營銷通知及/或要求我們停止轉移你的資料至我們的生意夥伴。若你選擇不收取該等促銷資料,你亦可以在我們傳送給你的每個電郵、短訊或多媒體訊息(MMS)內選擇取消訂閱選項,或以其他方式通知我們。

4. 向第三方披露資料

4.1 我們不會轉移、出售、出租或與第三方交易你的資料(包括我們的生意夥伴)。然而,我們會轉移你的資料至以下位於香港或香港以外地方的第三方:

4.1.1 我們所聘用以協助我們市場研究、顧客服務、廣告宣傳、印刷及禮品換領的第三方服務提供者(稱「第三方服務提供者」);

4.1.2 香港政府、法律或監管機構;

4.1.3 我們的法律及財務顧問;

4.1.4 信貸資料或參考機構;

4.1.5 債務托收代理;及

4.1.6 若因轉讓百階(香港)有限公司,如被另一間公司收購或與另一間公司合併,我們業權承讓人或繼承人。

4.2 我們可能向我們的第三方服務提供者提供或允許他們使用你的資料,但該使用僅為代表我們提供以上有關服務。

5. 資料的安全及準確性

5.1 從你收集的資料會儲存在受限制存取的伺服器內,或譯成密碼並轉移至第4.1段所列出的授權第三方的其他伺服器。我們會維持防護裝置,以保障這些伺服器及你資料的安全。

5.2 你資料的安全有賴你如何保護你的登入密碼,請不要向未經授權人士披露你的登入密碼。

5.3 就著你的資料的收集目的,我們會按需要採取合理步驟以確保你的資料準確、完整及最新。我們恆常使用的資料,包括向第三方所披露的資料,在一般情況下我們會保持為準確及最新的,你亦可以根據第9段對我們持有的資料作出更新或更改。

6. 小型文字檔案(Cookies)

6.1 你的訂單亦會被儲存在數據庫內作統計之用,以改善我們的服務質素。當你瀏覽及/或使用我們的網站及/或應用程式時,我們亦收集其他非可識別個人的資料,其中可能包括你的互聯網協定位址 (IP Address) 及你使用的瀏覽器。

6.2 我們利用向你的瀏覽器發出稱為數據包 (Cookies) 的少量數據,以收集上述有關資料。大部分的瀏覽器已預先設定接受數據包。如有需要,你可設定你的瀏覽器,拒絕接受數據包。

6.3 我們會使用非可識別資料以評估顧客使用及瀏覽及/或使用我們網站及/或應用程式的情況,包括瀏覽人數、次數及時間,以改善我們的服務質素。

7. 資料的保留

7.1 我們不會保存你的資料超過達成上述所列出使用或將會使用的目的時間。

7.2 若我們收集資料的目的仍然存在,或因為法律、法規或規例的要求,或因為符合公眾利益,我們會保留你所提供的資料。

8. 兒童

8.1 我們不會在明知的情況下接受十二(12)歲以下的兒童的資料,因為他們並不符合資格去使用我們的服務,因此他們不應向我們提交任何資料。

8.2 然而,由於我們不能辨別瀏覽及/或使用我們網站及/或應用程式者的年齡,我們的私隱政策適用於瀏覽及/或使用我們網站及/或應用程式的所有人士。如兒童未經其父母或監護人同意而向我們提供資料,該父母或監護人應向我們發出電郵,要求將該兒童的資料刪除。

9. 資料查閱及更改

9.1 你可以在任何時候要求查閱或更新/更改我們所持有你的資料,你亦可以要求我們將你或你的資料從任何活躍的郵遞或分發名單刪除。

9.2 如你想取得我們所持有關於你的資料副本進行修改,或從我們的數據庫中刪除你的資料,可於我們的網站登入帳戶頁面的「更新會員資料」或「聯絡我們」網頁。

9.3 如你想停止接收推廣電郵或有任何問題及意見,請電郵到cs@www.pokkacafe.com 或致電 +852 2515-7240聯絡我們客戶服務主任。你的要求將於確定後第十個工作天生效。如你想停止接收手機應用程式推廣訊息,請登入我們的手機應用程式內之設定更新你的選擇。

10. 第三方網站

10.1 我們的私隱政策不能引伸而適用於與此網站連結的,或與我們相聯的任何其他傳播連結的第三方網站。

11. 一般事宜

11.1 一經使用我們的網站及/或應用程式及/或服務,你即表示同意我們的私隱政策。我們保留隨時更改本政策的權利。

11.2 本政策於2017年1月1日更新。

11.3 如本政策的中、英文版本發生歧異,概以英文版本為準。

Million Rank (HK) Limited (“Pokka Cafe”, “we”, “our” or “us”) takes your privacy very seriously and wishes to assure you that your personal information will be treated as confidential. This is how we will manage information we collect from you through our websites and online services, including www.pokkacafe.com.hk, Pokka Cafémobile application and any other owned or operated websites and online services that link to this Privacy Policy (collectively the “Sites”) and through our restaurants/outlets (“Services”). We will meet the standards of personal data privacy protection in complying with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (“PDPO”) as amended from time to time.

1. Types of Data we collect

When you use our Sites and/or Services, we may collect from you the following information which may contain personal data as defined under the PDPO (“Data”):

1.1 your personal information such as your name, address, mobile phone number, birthday (date & month) and email address;

1.2 your credit or debit card information and billing information, including name of cardholder, card number, billing address and expiry date;

1.3 your photos which are collected via our Facebook page; and

1.4 optional information about your occupation, age, gender, number of family members, age group for family members, marital status and monthly household income.

2. Purposes for Collection and Use of Data

2.1 The Data provided by you will be used by us for the purpose for which it was requested and for directly related purposes as follows:

2.1.1 for security reasons to confirm that you are who you say you are when you log in to our Online Ordering service;


2.1.2 provision of Online Order service;

2.1.3 considering or fulfilling requests or application of any nature submitted by you, whether online, over the phone or through other channels;

2.1.4 registration of our activities including sales activities with offering;

2.1.5 processing billing and payment, maintaining a credit history, determining amounts outstanding and if necessary, collection of outstanding payments.

2.1.6 provision of delivery receipt;

2.1.7 conducting market analysis;

2.1.8 handling and following up of complaint, enquiry or feedback;

2.1.9 administering contests and sweepstakes conducted by us, including disclosing the winner of any such contest and collection of prizes;

2.1.10 updating and enhancing our records;

2.1.11 meeting the requirements to make disclosure to any governmental, legal or regulatory authority in Hong Kong under the requirements of any law binding on us; and

2.1.12 providing you with news, notices and other communications of our products, services and promotional events (please see section 3 – “Use of Data in Direct Marketing” for details).

3. Use of Data in Direct Marketing

3.1 We intend to use your Data in direct marketing, and we may not so use your Data unless we have received your consent (which includes an indication of no objection).

3.2 We would like to use the Data in our records including your name, phone number, email, address and/or or your response to any online survey to contact you about the following:

3.2.1 futureour promotions or events; and

3.2.2 products, services and promotional events of our business partners in relation to banking, travelling, entertainments, telecoms and government utilities (“Business Partners”)

3.3 Your Data may be used by or provided to our Business Partners located within or outside Hong Kong and Macau for their direct marketing purposes. However, we will not disclose your Data to any third parties for direct marketing purposes without your consent.

3.4 You can choose not to receive these marketing notifications as described in section 3.2, and/or request us not to transfer your Data to our Business Partners by contacting us via any one of the free response channels in section 9. You can also choose not to receive such marketing materials by selecting the unsubscribe option which we provide in each email, SMS or MMS sent to you, or otherwise inform us.

4. Disclosure of information to third parties

4.1 We do not transfer, sell, rent or trade your Data to or with third parties (including our Business Partners). Your Data may however be transferred within or outside Hong Kong as follows:

4.1.1 companies engaged by us to perform services on our behalf, including fulfilling purchases using the Online Ordering service, sending emails, conducting market surveys, performing customer relations management services, printing promotional materials, advertising our products/ services and providing gift redemption services (together “Third Party Service Providers”);

4.1.2 governmental, legal or regulatory authority in Hong Kong;

4.1.3 our legal and financial advisers;

4.1.4 credit information or reference bureau;

4.1.5 debt collection agencies; and

4.1.6 our assigns or successor in title in the event of a transfer of Pokka Café, such as acquisition by or merger with another company.

4.2 Our Third Party Service Providers may be supplied with or have access to your Data solely for the purpose of providing the above services on our behalf.

5. Security and Accuracy of Data

5.1 The Data we collect from you are stored in limited-access servers or are encrypted and transferred to other servers of the authorized third parties listed in section 4.1 above. We will maintain safeguards to protect the security of these servers and your Data.

5.2 The security of your Data depends on the protection by you of your login password. Please do not disclose your login password to unauthorised people.

5.3 We shall take reasonable steps to keep your Data as accurate, complete, and up-to-date as is necessary for the purposes for which it is to be used. Data that is used on an ongoing basis, including information that is disclosed to third parties, will generally be kept accurate and up-to-date. You can update or correct the Data held by us in accordance with section 9.

6. Cookies

6.1 Your orders will be retained in a database for statistical purposes in order to improve the quality of our service. We also collect other non-personally identifiable information when you visit/use our Sites which may include your IP address and what browser you are using.

6.2 We do this by sending small amounts of data called Cookies to your browser. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can set your browser so that it refuses cookies if you wish.

6.3 The non-personally identifiable information can be used to evaluate how our customers use and navigate our Sites, including the number of visitors and the frequency and length of their visits, in order to improve the quality of our service.

7. Retention of Data

7.1 We will not keep your Data longer than is necessary for fulfilment of the purposes specified above for which they are, or are to be, used.

7.2 Data provided by you is retained if the purpose for which the Data was collected still exists, it is so required by law, statue or regulation, or it is in the public interest.

8. Children

8.1 We do not knowingly accept information from children under the age of twelve (12) as they are not eligible to use our services and must not submit any Data to us.

8.2 However, as we cannot distinguish the age of persons who access our Sites, our privacy policy applies to all who use/access our Sites. If a child has provided us with personal information without the consent of his parent or guardian, the parent or guardian should email us to request the removal of the information.

9. Data Access and Correction

9.1 You may at any time request access to or update/correct your Data held by us. You may also ask us to delete you or your Data from any active mailing or distribution list.

9.2 If you would like to obtain a copy of your Data held by us in order to correct or delete it from our database, please login to your account and go to the “Updating My Profile” page or go to the “Contact Us” page.

9.3 If you choose to unsubscribe from our promotional emails or if you have any questions or comments, please contact our Customer Service Officer via our Customer Service Hotline on 25157240 or at cs@www.pokkacafe.com. Your unsubscribe request will take effect on the tenth working day from day of receipt of request. You may also choose not to receive marketing notifications from us via your mobile telephone by selecting the unsubscribe option in the Pokka Cafe Mobile Application “Settings” page.

10. Third party websites

10.1 Our privacy policy does not extend to third-party websites that may be linked from our Sites or from any other broadcast affiliated with us.

11. General

11.1 By using our Sites and Services, you signify your consent to our Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change this Policy at any time without prior notice and you are advised to check it on a regular basis.

11.2 In the case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall apply.

11.3 This policy was last updated on 1 January 2017.