* 2012 首間Le Grand Pokka Café於香港國際機場開業,時尚休閒的星級餐飲體驗
Le Grand Pokka Cafe opens in Hong Kong International Airport to provide Privilege and leisure dining experience
* 2007 投資額外1,450萬元擴建中央廚房,提升設備及提高產量 柴灣總部的中央廚房擴建,符合長遠發展的需要
Expand and upgrade the facilities in Chai Wan Central Kitchen to cope with the long term development of the Company
* 2004 成為香港第一間連鎖餐廳獲得『國際標準化組織』的ISO9001.2000品質認証,帶來優質管理系統,提升效率及市場競爭力。
First restaurant chain in Hong Kong successfully awarded ISO 9001 Certification
* 1998 投資額外1,450萬元興建中央廚房,供應全線分店食材及新鮮烘焙咖啡豆,柴灣總部建立了中央廚房,務求能夠建立及出品高效率、高質素、高衛生的均一化標準
Pokka Café established the Central Kitchen in Chai Wan to ensure all products are of top quality, high efficiency and hygiene stanrdard
* 1991 ****
Pokka Café opens first store in Lok Fu Aeon Store
* 1989 首間Pokka Café於開業,率先引入咖啡烘焙機,引入日式優質精品咖啡。
Million Rank (HK) Limited established in Hong Kong