* 2010 與紅十字會合作,為海地地震災民籌款贊助小童羣益會少年軍事訓練營
Raising fund with Hong Kong Red Cross for the Haiti people suffering from earthquake
Sponsoring the Youth Army Camp organized by The Boys and Girls Club Association, a Summer camp for the young teenagers of discipline and social life
* 2019 參加「香港心理衛生會」主辦之「慈善保齡球大賽」
Joining the Charity Bowling Competition organized by Mental Health Association of Hong Kong since 2008
Onward Participating the School-Company Programme organized by Young Entrepreneurs Development Council, sharing with Form 4 and Form 6 students the spirit of entrepreneurs and preparing them before they actually enter the society
* 2008 捐贈四川成都山區學校重建校社及運動場
Donating to a village school in Chengdu, Sichuan for rebuilding classrooms and playground
Raising fund for Hong Kong Red Cross to help victims of the Sichuan Earthquake
Raising fund for Summerbridge, an English learning program for Form 2 students from financially disadvantaged families, helping them to build team spirit and leadership
* 2007 贊助『香港社會服務聯會』新成立之《惠施網WiseGiving》,鼓勵『樂善智施』邀請享負盛名之日本意大利料理鐵人「植竹隆政」 先生來港, 舉辦《慈善鐵人料理夜宴》,為『觀塘循道衛理』屬下之『食物銀行』籌款
出席勞工處主辦《展翅計劃》,『行業簡介講座』之演講 嘉賓
出席勞工處主辦《展翅計劃》,工作實習訓練招募日之講座 嘉賓
Sponsoring the WiseGiving internet platform hosted by HKCSS, encouraging wise donation, Inviting well known Japanese Iron Chef Mr. Uetake to host the Iron
Chef Charity Dinner, raising fund for Food Bank under KTMSS
Guest speaker in the "Career Seminar", a programme of YPTP organized by Labour Department
Guest speaker in the "Career Search", a programme of YPTP organized by Labour Department
Participating in a project organized by Society of Boys' Centres, encouraging mutual assistance
* 2006 贊助『香港草地滾球總會』屬下之『青少年發展隊』及『青苗草地滾球培訓計劃』,推廣草地滾球運動
Flag selling for HK Employment Development Service
Fund raising for South Asia Tsunami refugees
Providing trainers for the YWETS project organized by Labour Department
Providing pre-job opportunities for the YPTP project organized by Labour Department
* 2005 參與『香港心理衛生會』主辦之《攜手共融闖新天》慈善獎券籌款活動為『無國界醫生』籌募經費
Joint raffle tickets with Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, Raising fund for Medecins de Frontieres
Participting in the Northern District Career Programme
Participating in the Career Exhibition for Youths organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
* 2004 為『愛護遺棄動物協會』籌募經費
Raising fund for The Society for Abandoned Animals
Participting in the Career Network for Youths organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups